
15:31 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (2)

I'm right now in the office. In Dublin it's around 1:00 PM. It's a full day of activity, everybody is working hard and is pumped up with energy. It's a beautiful day outside. I'm preparing myself for still a long to do's list. (Damn it!) and I'm smiling. It seems so right.. everything.. almost perfect. I'm glad I'm here, it's definitely the right place to be this year.

An advice for all those who read my blog: Have the courage to do what you think you should do and "grab" the opportunities you see fit for you. There is always "the right place" for you to be and when you get a no, it just means that wasn't the right one for you, not yet. :)

Have a smashing day

Cheers from Dublin to you all

Conversation miles away

10:46 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (3)

Well I arrived in Dublin. It's the same city, the same people and it give me the same feeling it did the other time I was here, it's peacefull and clouded :P

We moved in in our new home and are trying right now to set it up, the potential in here is amaizing. We had our first meal in the garden, found a super cheap store to buy groceries and others. It was an great day.

Later at night I had a little chat with Popo. It reminded me that my friends are so far right now. I miss them all, going out in Janis or having a sleep over with horror movies, just chatting all day long about all sort of problems. I just miss them!

And I have a little surprise for all of them :D.. soon to come :P