Finding my light

16:38 / Publicat de Anda /

Lately lot of things happened... and although I wished that all of them were good, the most of them were really bad. It makes me feel sad, exhausted, in pain.. but what can I do? I can't oppose the nature of things, all I can do is hope for the best. But how can I when I'm not able to see to light at the end of the tunnel? What should be the feeling when you find out that the person you always admired is on the edge? What should you do when you find out you have a really bad chronic disease? What should you do when you feel alone? What should you do when you feel too tired to fight? What should you do when you are weak? Those question are haunting me .. What should I do? I keep saying that everything it is alright, but I know it isn't. The moment when I have to face them all is so near.. But I still want to escape from them...
I kept thinking why I don't want to face them, it's not because I'm afraid, I got used to see that everything vanishes in my life, it is because I believe there should be a light.. somewhere there.. just for me.. my light... the power to go on.. the power to hope..
Hopes.. Dreams.. I don't want to give them up.. I don't want to see all those bad things because I can still fly and I know that the moment that I will acknowledge them I will be forced to stop ..
I guess I will have to find a way to deal with them and to keep my ability to fly in the same moment.. It just takes courage.. :)

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