
15:31 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (2)

I'm right now in the office. In Dublin it's around 1:00 PM. It's a full day of activity, everybody is working hard and is pumped up with energy. It's a beautiful day outside. I'm preparing myself for still a long to do's list. (Damn it!) and I'm smiling. It seems so right.. everything.. almost perfect. I'm glad I'm here, it's definitely the right place to be this year.

An advice for all those who read my blog: Have the courage to do what you think you should do and "grab" the opportunities you see fit for you. There is always "the right place" for you to be and when you get a no, it just means that wasn't the right one for you, not yet. :)

Have a smashing day

Cheers from Dublin to you all

Conversation miles away

10:46 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (3)

Well I arrived in Dublin. It's the same city, the same people and it give me the same feeling it did the other time I was here, it's peacefull and clouded :P

We moved in in our new home and are trying right now to set it up, the potential in here is amaizing. We had our first meal in the garden, found a super cheap store to buy groceries and others. It was an great day.

Later at night I had a little chat with Popo. It reminded me that my friends are so far right now. I miss them all, going out in Janis or having a sleep over with horror movies, just chatting all day long about all sort of problems. I just miss them!

And I have a little surprise for all of them :D.. soon to come :P

Special delivery up in the air!

16:23 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (0)

So.. this is a very special day for a dear friend of mine. She is currently up in the air! Today is her birthday and she is becoming 23 years old. Well I know her for only two years, but the bond that we have is pretty strong, strong enough to hold on although one of us will be in Latvia and the other one in Ireland. It was a fun year with ups and downs, but somehow we managed to save our friendship. What can I say about her? She is kind, loving, always there for you when you need her, my "gaza".. and I'm her "brotacel".

So for her birthday I have a wish for her: "Enjoy, Enjoy every single event, be it bad or good, Smile and always look at the sky when you are sad. There is somebody under the same sky that is watching it right now and thinking of you and always there for you when you need her."

Happy birthday Gaza!

Travel part 2 (Dublin and Pisa)

18:57 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (0)

So.. I traveled again.

First flight with the airplane.. and there it was Dublin.

From above all you could see was a mass of green covered in clouds. And then we landed.
Shock: It was raining... for the first time in 2 months. And of course the first step in made in the city.. and losing my passport. Getting lost in the rain, because we couldn't find the hotel.And finally enjoying every moment. Having cultural shocks, the pubs,the streets, the people, the weather.. It's truly amaizing!

 And the Google office .. all I can say is WOW! Every floor with the design that fits most for the department, gaming rooms, fitness rooms, the working hours.. I wanna work there :D, if I knew I would have studies at Politehnica for sure.

After that Pisa, Italy. Hmm.. Well for me it was definitely not that impressive as I would have expected, but hey.. it was nice seeing another city.

And of course we tried to make the tower straighten, but it seems it doesn't work that easily :P. And then we tried to make it collapse.. that didn't seem to work either :D

And let me tell you something about Pisa... It's small.. It takes about 1 hours to walk from one end to the other of the city..  Somehow I thought it's bigger.

So in short word this was my second trip of my travel experience this year :D, but I'm sure glad I did it. And soon there are going to be more to tell, because on the 26th I'm going to leave Romania for one year and I'm going to miss it, I already know that, but I can't ignore how excited I am to leave and beginn something knew. So stay tuned for part 3!

Fortune cookie

00:48 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (1)


20:17 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (1)

  I arrived in Bucharest.. Went in the MC office, nothing strange, it seamed just like an ordinary other Friday. But by the end of the day, surprise: packing for Bulgaria .. :D

So early in the morning, we went in Bulgaria, to be more specific Schumen and afterward Varna

And it was AMAZING...  I was having so much fun, it was sunny, a clear see, sea shells everywhere, clean water, a beautiful sunset, a good meal and cool people :P.. What more could I have wished for for my birthday? :D

Next morning.. we went further, Albena, a beautiful beach with amazing water and very soft sand :)

And last, but not least Bahlik, where we visited an amazing castle :)) and a new joke was born:

"Hai mai Ferdi fa-mi si mie un castel!"

So this was it.. 2 amazing days, which I wanted to share with you.. and so slowly but sure, my traveling journal begins :P

A nice moment

15:30 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (0)

I just had a weird morning..
I went in the MC office of AIESEC Romania and had one of the firsts professional talks with Vlad about Ireland. The weird part is that it felt so right... I could see how this year was going to be.. Profi, Fun, Open :) The kind of things and environment I love.

I'm looking at the MC.. both current and elect.. It makes me wanna smile involuntarily.. They have such a nice harmony, they are sparkling with energy..  and it motivates me so much.. even though I'm tired I still wanna do more.. :)

Impossible thing for today : Ireland is going to sign 3 TN's at the end of April. :P

First chapter of my new life

22:09 / Publicat de Anda / comentarii (3)

I want to start a new chapter in my life. A new episode on who I am as a person, what makes me tick, what defines me and what can make me go on.

I never really thought about it that much, but I kinda lost a part of me and what makes me Anda this year. Still I want it to gain it back. I want to become again me, the one that was happy and was enjoying life with her friends.  

So what if I am arrogant? So what if I have a critical feedback? So what if I can't make everybody happy? 

If the people that are around me can't accept me and who I am, then maybe they are not really who I thought they are, maybe they are not truly my friends. Everybody does mistakes, but what makes us a good friend is forgiving what they did, accepting it, encouraging the one near us to take the road that they want to take, even if we don't agree with it, respect their point of view, but remaining true to ourselves.

So yes.. I don't want to give up on me because somebody does not like me or does not agree with me.. Too bad.. Life sucks.. I'll get over it.. But in the end at least I'll be happy. 

And of course this beginning is accompanied by a new opportunity.. as MC LC Development of AIESEC Ireland. :D
I am happy and the ones that care about me are happy too :).. for the other ones.. balszerencse!